Masters of Business Administration

Our MBA program educational objectives (PEOs) enable the graduates to understand global business and management practices; develop a ‘do it better than before’ mindset; find solutions for social and organizational issues in sustainable and entrepreneurial ways.

Masters of Business Administration

Programme Objectives (POs)

Equip students with the required skills and knowledge in consultative and quantitative problem solving; and socially responsible ethical decision making.

Develop leadership capabilities to act as agents of change in promoting and developing social and commercial entrepreneurial activities.

Nurture business professionals who are aware about the globalised nature of contemporary business, culturally sensitive about managing business networks and relations, and understand the relationship between self, society and business environment. This is achieved by specifically designed activities and courses that encourage students to learn act and reflect.

Paying special attention to generating new ideas and synthesizing and integrating existing ideas for applying them to solve real world problems.

MBA Information Dossier

Teaching and Learning Practices

Faculty use various pedagogical tools like case discussion and analysis, flipped classrooms, video interventions, problem-solving, in-class tests, tutorials etc. for a more engaged teaching and learning process. The brighter students are encouraged to play an important role in teaching and learning process by taking over the class in any case discussion or flipped classroom setup. For most core course of three credits there are two lecture classes and one tutorial class every week. Students are divided into smaller groups for the tutorial class. The tutorial class allows the faculty to revise the concepts taught in the lecture class and do extra problems with the students to improve their understanding of the concepts. The weaker students get a chance to raise their doubts and queries in the small group tutorial classes.

Some of the innovative teaching practices introduced by faculty members are given below:

  • Preparing Lecture Videos: The availability of lecture videos enables delivery of the course content outside the class by the instructor to the students. This ensures ready information on the course topic and details to be referred by the student in case a class is missed out by him/her.
  • Promoting Creative Writing: Promoting Creative Writing aims at promoting the use of ‘analogies’ in writing thereby enhancing the creativity and effectiveness of the writings. A topic is assigned and the class is asked pen down their individual thoughts on the same. Then, the entire group is asked to share the words which come to their minds while thinking about the same in a brain storming like activity. All these vocabulary items are then written on the board. The group members are asked to rewrite on the same topic making meaningful use of these words in the context. They are encouraged to use as many new vocabulary items as they can. This activity enables enhanced creative expression, promotion of group synergy, freshness and diversity of approach.
  • Group Learning Paper: Group Learning Papers aims at giving the group members an opportunity to reflect and present their diary of learning from each session covered. The write-up is required to be written clearly to indicate the learning outcomes from each session as a result of group participation in classes, exercises, cases, readings and reflection. Group Learning paper impacts and enables working in a team leading to an enhanced team work and coordination. Student involvement in classroom discussion is increased to reflect on the key takeaways. Hand-written reflections improve student understanding followed by recollection of learning.
  • Diversified Student Grouping: Groups of students with mixed academic backgrounds such that those with prior Knowledge/ exposure and those new to the subject were grouped together to encourage peer to peer learning. The students who were dexterous in the subject were evaluated on their performance in helping rest of their group members. Such an exercise promoted Peer to Peer and self-driven group learning.
  • One Minute Quiz: This involves a surprise one minute quiz after the completion of each module. Groups of 2 students each are made at the beginning of the semester and they are given four questions group-wise after the completion of each module. Every group has to respond in one minute. The group members can help each other. This promotes teamwork and learning in a group. This also helps students to be prepared with whatever is covered in class hence promoting continuous learning.
  • Formal Feedback from Students on the spot through 'One Minute Paper': This is an active learning process, which encourages the students to learn more when they 'talk', 'write' and apply concepts in meaningful activities.
  • Role Pay to build Selling Skills: Objective of using this pedagogy is to hone the selling skills of students. This exercise helps the students in gaining confidence and getting selected for selling/marketing profiles.
  • Flipped Classroom: Students are divided into small teams and are required to create a fictitious company. In every class session, students should create and design some aspect of their company e.g. in one session they were introduced to the concept of “Process Modeling”. In the coming sessions, students design hi-level process diagrams for their company. From here, they design the ICT infrastructure of their company. This allows students to closely learn theory-practice applications.


LM Thapar School of Management offers a two-year full time program with ten specializations. Our program goal is to develop globally sensitive, scholarly practitioners with social entrepreneurial mindset.

Business Analytics and Big Data

More than 90% of the world's data has been generated in last two years. Today, there are more than 4.3 billion internet users and 3.5 billion smartphone users globally generating more than 2.5 quintillion bytes (2.5 X 10^18 bytes) of data every day. Considering the humongous amount of data generation, it has become a critical corporate asset and source of competitive advantage for the companies everywhere. This has led to a huge increase in demand for data analytics professionals across the companies globally. According to IBM report titled “The Quant Crunch: Demand for data science skills is disrupting the job market”, annual demand for data analytic professionals will increase to around 700,000 openings by 2020.

Business Analytics and Big Data specialization provides an opportunity to the students who want to gain expertise and build career in business analytics and big data discipline. Students will learn how to analyze the large volume of structured and unstructured data to make informed business decisions in the areas of marketing, human resource, finance, and operations. Students will develop analytic mindset and data-oriented skills in this course.

This specialization aims at developing the competencies amongst data analytic students to:

  • Learn how to extract, transform, load and integrate huge volumes of different data types to build and deploy machine learning models.
  • Understand key analytic programming languages and their application in deriving analytic outcomes for different business scenarios.
  • Develop skills in creating machine learning models to deal with real world problems
  • Appreciate the importance of contemporary developments in analytics domain and its impact on business and society today and in the future.

We offer the following specialized courses in Business Analytics and Big Data Specialization.

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Credits
1 Marketing Management & Analytics 3.0
2 Business Statistics & Modeling 3.0
3 Analytics Programming with R 3.0
4 Advanced Databases – Relational (RDBMS) & Big Data 3.0
5 Optimization Techniques 3.0
6 Machine Learning 3.0
7 Data Mining 2.0
8 Data Visualization 2.0
9 Big Data Management & Computing 3.0
10 Multi Variate Analysis & Business Research (SaS/ R) 3.0
11 Analytics Programming with Python 3.0
12 Business Forecasting: Methods & Applications 3.0
13 Artificial Intelligence & Applications 3.0
14 Cloud Computing & Technologies 2.0
15 Financial Modelling & Analytics 2.0
16 Credit Risk Analytics 2.0
17 Retail Commerce Analytics 2.0
18 B2B & Supply Chain Analytics 2.0
19 HR Analytics 2.0



The finance specialization has a rigorous curriculum and a good mix of theory and practice. The focus is on applied theory; using the principles of finance for real world application to business challenges. We strive to create dedicated, tenacious, and innovative students with an endless curiosity for uncovering savvy financial solutions. Students are groomed to be able to spot the key challenges and understand the dynamics of various financial issues and be able to provide a sound integrated solution. We build leaders in Finance who are able to come up with financially sound, creative and innovate solutions, within the given constraints. Students are provided with sound financial principles, with special emphasis on managing the finance for enterprises. The faculty provides behind-the-scenes perspective from the established theories and their extensive industry experience.

Finance specialization has a variety of courses covering topics from Behavioral Finance to Capital Markets to Banking to Entrepreneurial Finance to Strategic Cost Management to Wealth Management, to name a few of them. Advanced courses in cost management, corporate valuation and financial statement analysis are offered to deepen the understanding of corporate finance and accounting functions. We offer a whole range of courses related to BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) industry, to cater to one of the fastest growing industries in India. We also encourage cross discipline courses, such as Behavioral finance where behaviour of various kinds of investors with regard to their financial decisions is studied. In line with the start-up initiative of Indian Government and LMTSM’s focus on social entrepreneurship, we are offering a course on entrepreneurial finance with special emphasis on social finance. Courses on security analysis and financial derivatives enhance the comprehension of working of the Capital Markets. We prepare students to address a whole range of issues related to finance by offering the following courses in finance specialization.

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Course Code Credits
1 Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management FN6209 2.0
2 Corporate Valuation and Restructuring FN6212 2.0
3 Banking and Financial Servicesg FN6213 2.0
4 Insurance and Risk Management FN6206 2.0
5 Wealth Management and Personal Financial Planning FN6205 2.0
6 Strategic Cost Management and Control FN6208 2.0
7 Behavioral Finance FN6203 2.0
8 Project and Infrastructure Finance FN6204 2.0
9 Advanced Financial Statement Analysis FN6214 2.0
10 Financial Derivatives and Risk Management FN6207 2.0
11 Fixed Income Securities FN6216 2.0
12 Financial Econometrics FN7201 2.0

Information System

Pervasive use of technology and amount of digital information created requires contemporary managers to have sound understanding of how Information Systems (IS) can be used to leverage competitive advantage. An MBA graduate in IS appreciates the criticality of information and its value in organizations from the perspective of decision-making, management of information goods and creating value across organizational functional areas and engaging with stakeholders. Emphasis is laid on the different methodologies used for designing and implementing Information Systems (Enterprise solutions, E-business architectures, Business Intelligence applications), making them secure along with the usage of techniques to make the application databases efficient and effective. Trending topics such as digital forensics, mobile applications, health informatics, social media, data warehousing, and cloud computing are also focused upon to enable the students to have an exhaustive knowledgebase before they enter the corporate world. Information Systems specialization aims at developing the competencies amongst future managers to:

  • Understand theoretical and practical aspects of Information creation and usage and how organizations can use Information Systems to manage it.
  • Develop skills in framing business problems and developing technical solutions.
  • Analyse business situations and utilize methodologies for developing systems.
  • Appreciate importance of contemporary developments in domain of IS and its impact on business and society.

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Course Code Credits
1 ERP Management IS6202 2.0
2 Information Systems Analysis & Design IS6203 2.0
3 E-Business Systems IS6206 2.0
4 Business Intelligence for Managers IS6207 2.0
5 Business Applications of Cloud Computing IS6204 2.0
6 Information Systems Networking & Security IS6205 2.0
7 Knowledge Management IS6209 2.0
8 Health Informatics IS6201 2.0
9 Big Data for Managers IS6210 2.0
10 Business Process Simulation OP6209 2.0



Operations management deals with optimization of processes transformation of inputs into outputs to suitably meet customers’ expectations. This specialization therefore, deals with mapping of functions such as, flows of information, materials, and funds throughout the supply chain of goods and services. The specialization on Operations Management provides an insight to the theories and mathematical techniques for solving problems in the design, planning, and controlling of manufacturing and service operations and quality. It concentrates on the technological & operational issues of business activities in the competitive industrial scenario and presents a systematic study of behavioural and quantitative methods for managing operational challenges to meet organisational goals. The subject also develops students’ understanding of issues and skills related to global operations management in complex organisational scenarios. This domain aims at developing the competencies amongst future managers to:

  • Understand both theoretical and practical aspects of how operations can be managed strategically in the light of external and internal conditions and requirements.
  • Perform the necessary quantitative analysis and understand the management issues in order to make good operational decisions within the set of constraints.
  • Analyse operation processes from various perspectives such as efficiency, responsiveness, quality and productivity
  • Apply these operational tools and techniques in various functional business domains such as marketing, finance, human resource management.

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Course Code Credits
1 Project Management OP6204 2.0
2 Supply Chain Management OP6203 2.0
3 ERP Management IS6202 2.0
4 Technology and Innovation Strategy IM6206 2.0
5 Operations in Service Sector OP6208 2.0
6 Total Quality Management OP6206 2.0
7 Operations Strategies OP6205 2.0
8 Warehousing & Maintenance Management OP6207 2.0
9 Advanced Operation Research OP7201 2.0
10 Business Process Simulation OP6209 2.0
11 Global Operations Strategy IM6208 2.0


Human Resource Management

Most of us can expect to spend many years of our lives working in organizations of various kinds. All organizations require people to make the goods or provide the services, and therefore an understanding of how to effectively manage people in the workplace is of great importance and value. HRM analyses the employment relationships and the way people are managed in the workplace. It explores these issues not only in the context of individual employee and their employer, but in the context of wider workplace, the labour market, and economic forces shaping the world of work, technological changes, employment regulations and social trends. The world of work is fast changing, so an understanding of how all this affects the way people are manged in the workplace is of tremendous significance, both theoratically and practically. Human resource managers take on the challenges of aligning individual needs with organizational requirements using HRM tools and models.

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Course Code Credits
1 Organizational Change and Development HR6210 2.0
2 Employment laws HR6211 2.0
3 Performance and Compensation Management HR6203 2.0
4 Human resource metrics and analytics HR6212 2.0
5 Management across Cultures HR6213 2.0
6 Negotiation Strategies HR6215 2.0
7 Strategic Human Resource Management HR6202 2.0
8 Human Resource Development HR6214 2.0
9 International Human Resource Management HR6208 2.0
10 International & Strategic Human Resource Management HR6216 2.0



Marketing is the essence of business as it focuses on creating and delivering “value proposition for the customer” and marketing professionals play a key role in chalking out and shaping the business model. This exciting discipline comprises of different domains of identifying consumer behaviour, selecting right target market, developing product as solution in line with the needs of customers, crafting strategic positioning and then promoting the solution to targeted set of customers and finally delivering the solution to customers through sales, distribution, digital marketing and establishing relationships with customers through CRM in order to retain and engage them for obtaining customer life time value.

This domain aims at developing the competencies amongst future marketing managers to:

  • Be competent in designing, launching and providing solutions to the potential customers
  • Conceive, launch and implement integrated marketing communication campaigns to build brand and promote sales in intended target market.
  • Develop understanding of nuances of international marketing
  • Be equipped with tools and strategies to engage customers through digital technologies

List of Courses

S. No. Name of Course Course Code Credits
1 Customer Relationship Management MK6202 2.0
2 Digital Marketing MK6209 2.0
3 Sales and Distribution Management MK6203 2.0
4 Consumer Behaviour MK6204 2.0
5 International Marketing MK6206 2.0
6 B2B Marketing MK6205 2.0
7 Marketing Research MK6207 2.0
8 Services Marketing and Retail Management MK6208 2.0
9 Advertising and Brand Management MK6210 2.0
10 Marketing Analytics MK6211 2.0


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