Vipul Gupta

Associate Professor, Area Coordinator- Operations

Associate Dean, Internationalization(ADI)

Operations Management and Information System

Vipul Gupta

Associate Professor, Area Coordinator- Operations , Operations Management and Information System

stdClass Object
    [id] => 30
    [name] => Vipul
    [title] => Dr.
    [department] => Associate Professor, Area Coordinator- Operations
    [department_new] => Associate Dean, Internationalization(ADI)
    [image] => vipul_dp_28334.jpg
    [is_active] => 1
    [display_order] => 30
    [is_deleted] => 0
    [created_on] => 2020-05-23 01:14:35
    [last_name] => Gupta
    [email] =>
    [phone_no] => 
    [specializations_id] => 4
    [description] => 

I believe that management education is a judicious blend of Cognitive knowledge and experiential learning. I emphasize upon critically diagnosing a problem using conceptual understanding and developing simplest possible solution through reflection of experiential learning. In order to create experiential learning environment, I expose my students to varied scenarios through case studies, group projects, and simulation games.

I expect my students to spend their time during any course as a transformational process rather than just earning grades or a degree.I strongly believe that participative discussion using varied scenarios leads to transformation in thought and creates visual image of seemingly complex concepts. With this my students can easily take challenges and defend them.

My under-graduation in Mechanical engineering helps me inculcate analytical problem solving approach with entrepreneurial mind-set to my students.Being a post-graduate in Business Administration and substantial industrial experience at various managerial positions, I can easily correlate the importance of conceptual understanding and its managerial implications in real life cases.

Currently my teaching interests are Operations Management; Project Management and other quantitative subjects. I am also Coordinating Centre for Business Analytics and Operational Excellence which is focussed on academic research as well as imparting training to industry professionals.

My research intent focuses upon exploring the opportunities for developing lean environment and exploring how tools of operations management can be applied to major business sectors such as—the health care industry and automotive Industry to assess and improve their productivity.


  • Tomaselli, G., Garg,L., Gupta,V., Xuereb,P., and Buttigieg,S. (2018), ‘Healthcare Systems and Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: A Comparative Analysis between Malta and India’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol 26 (4).

  • Gupta, V., Narayanamurthy, G. and Acharya (2017), ‘Can lean lead to green? Assessment of radial tyre manufacturing processes using system dynamics modelling’, Computers and Operations Research, Vol 89.

  • Roumieh A, Garg L, Gupta,V., Singh, G. (2018), ‘E-Marketing Strategies for Islamic Banking-A case based study’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol 26 (4).

  • Tomaselli, G. Monia,M., Garg,L., Gupta,V., Xuereb,P., and Buttigieg,S., (2016). ‘Digital and Traditional Tools for Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature Review’. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, Vol 12.

  • Elshorbagy, S., Garg, L., Gupta, V., Narayanamurthy, G., & Al Oraini, Y. A. (2015). ‘The Impact of Information Systems on Management Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry’, Journal of Cases on Information Technology , Vol. 17(3).

  • Gupta, V., Acharya, P., and Patwardhan, M. (2013) ‘A Strategic and Operational Approach to Assess the Lean Performance in Radial Tyre Manufacturing in India: a case based study’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 62(6).

  • Gupta, V., Acharya, P., and Patwardhan, M. (2012) ‘Monitoring quality goals through lean six-sigma insure competitiveness’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management , Vol. 61 (2).

Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:

  • Awarded with Doctoral Scholarship from MHRD (2010-2013).

  • Merit Scholarship for securing rank in top 50 in MP Board (1997)

  • Invited Lecture on ‘Project Management’ for Indo-German MSME skill development program organised by CII Gurgaon in 2014.

  • Invited as Guest of Honour for the National Workshop on "Evolutionary algorithms and MCDM techniques with case studies", organized by the VIT University Vellore on 16th of September 2017

[short_description] => [is_director] => 0 [is_faculty] => 1 [faculty_type] => 1 [banner_image] => vipul_6053.jpg [social_links] => )



Ph.D. (2013), Industrial Engineering and Operations Management; ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Gwalior (M.P.), India.

M.B.A. Operations (2005), ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Gwalior (M.P.), India.

B.E in Mechanical Engineering (2002), MITS, Gwalior (University: R.G.P.V., BHOPAL (M.P.), India.

I believe that management education is a judicious blend of Cognitive knowledge and experiential learning. I emphasize upon critically diagnosing a problem using conceptual understanding and developing simplest possible solution through reflection of experiential learning. In order to create experiential learning environment, I expose my students to varied scenarios through case studies, group projects, and simulation games.

I expect my students to spend their time during any course as a transformational process rather than just earning grades or a degree.I strongly believe that participative discussion using varied scenarios leads to transformation in thought and creates visual image of seemingly complex concepts. With this my students can easily take challenges and defend them.

My under-graduation in Mechanical engineering helps me inculcate analytical problem solving approach with entrepreneurial mind-set to my students.Being a post-graduate in Business Administration and substantial industrial experience at various managerial positions, I can easily correlate the importance of conceptual understanding and its managerial implications in real life cases.

Currently my teaching interests are Operations Management; Project Management and other quantitative subjects. I am also Coordinating Centre for Business Analytics and Operational Excellence which is focussed on academic research as well as imparting training to industry professionals.

My research intent focuses upon exploring the opportunities for developing lean environment and exploring how tools of operations management can be applied to major business sectors such as—the health care industry and automotive Industry to assess and improve their productivity.


  • Tomaselli, G., Garg,L., Gupta,V., Xuereb,P., and Buttigieg,S. (2018), ‘Healthcare Systems and Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: A Comparative Analysis between Malta and India’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol 26 (4).

  • Gupta, V., Narayanamurthy, G. and Acharya (2017), ‘Can lean lead to green? Assessment of radial tyre manufacturing processes using system dynamics modelling’, Computers and Operations Research, Vol 89.

  • Roumieh A, Garg L, Gupta,V., Singh, G. (2018), ‘E-Marketing Strategies for Islamic Banking-A case based study’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol 26 (4).

  • Tomaselli, G. Monia,M., Garg,L., Gupta,V., Xuereb,P., and Buttigieg,S., (2016). ‘Digital and Traditional Tools for Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature Review’. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, Vol 12.

  • Elshorbagy, S., Garg, L., Gupta, V., Narayanamurthy, G., & Al Oraini, Y. A. (2015). ‘The Impact of Information Systems on Management Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry’, Journal of Cases on Information Technology , Vol. 17(3).

  • Gupta, V., Acharya, P., and Patwardhan, M. (2013) ‘A Strategic and Operational Approach to Assess the Lean Performance in Radial Tyre Manufacturing in India: a case based study’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 62(6).

  • Gupta, V., Acharya, P., and Patwardhan, M. (2012) ‘Monitoring quality goals through lean six-sigma insure competitiveness’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management , Vol. 61 (2).

Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:

  • Awarded with Doctoral Scholarship from MHRD (2010-2013).

  • Merit Scholarship for securing rank in top 50 in MP Board (1997)

  • Invited Lecture on ‘Project Management’ for Indo-German MSME skill development program organised by CII Gurgaon in 2014.

  • Invited as Guest of Honour for the National Workshop on "Evolutionary algorithms and MCDM techniques with case studies", organized by the VIT University Vellore on 16th of September 2017

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