stdClass Object
[id] => 18
[name] => Harjot
[title] => Dr.
[department] => Associate Professor, Area Coordinator- Marketing
[department_new] =>
[image] => 7 (1)_13243.jpg
[is_active] => 1
[display_order] => 18
[is_deleted] => 0
[created_on] => 2020-05-22 21:26:18
[last_name] => Singh
[email] =>
[phone_no] => +91 9356233066
[specializations_id] => 6
[description] =>
“Gratefulness towards the Creator, and love for His creation, can open up a universe full of immense possibilities, which we may not have even dreamt of. These possibilities can catapult us to the highest orbit of excellence, through determination, perseverance and hard work. Humility and patience have the power to transform us into exemplary human beings and effective managers."
"I have always been a top grader, and an all-rounder, throughout my student life. I enjoyed my stint in the corporate world for twelve years, handling sales and marketing responsibilities, in Information Technology and Telecommunication companies, in various executive and managerial capacities. I then entered the world of academics and have been learning passionately along with the students. "
“My teaching interests are in the domain of marketing. As regards research, I am interested in the areas of customer relationship management, marketing of services, branding, digital marketing, and sustainable marketing."
"I believe that planning must be dynamic. A structured approach is desirable. However, we must remain open to the possibility of frequent changes and we need to inculcate a flexible perspective. An effectual thinking, with the mind being open to all possibilities, keeps our spirits alive, and leads us to achievements beyond our imagination."
"I usually suggest two approaches to students to work on projects. The first approach is about visiting organizations, and meeting customers, or employees of that organization. Practical learning happens on the basis of such interactions in the field. Second approach is working on a hypothetical product/service. This approach stimulates creative thinking."
"I encourage all students to be thorough in their approach to become real professionals. Everyone has infinite potential, and unlimited creativity. The potential has to be discovered, and creativity has to be harnessed. I enjoy my interactions with students immensely. Students also express happiness about learning, which is my ultimate reward. I am also passionate about music, singing, travelling, and literary activities."
Singh, Harjot (2022), “Baobab Clean Technologies: Zeroing in on Business Markets”, available at, accessed on July 12, 2023
Bajwa, N.K., Singh, H., & De, K. K. (2019), "Impact of EHR Technology Implementation on Physicians' Job Satisfaction", International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 18(1), 111-125. (Indexed in ABDC list in 'C' category, Ebsco and ProQuest)
Bajwa, Navneet; Singh, Harjot, & De, K. K. (2017), "Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Electronic Health Records (EHR) Implementation: An Exploratory Study in North India", International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 12 (2), 1-17. (Indexed in ABDC list in the ‘C’ category and in Scopus, 3-year IF of the journal in 2017 was 0.45)
Kamra, V., Singh, H., & De, K. K. (2016), "Factors affecting patient satisfaction: an exploratory study for quality management in the health-care sector", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(9), 1013-1027. (Indexed in the SSCI list of journals, and in Scopus, IF was 1.368 in 2016 and 2.922 in 2019).
Kamra, V., Singh, H., & De, K. K. (2016), "Factors affecting hospital choice decisions: An exploratory study of the healthcare consumers in northern India", Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 11(1), 76-84. (Indexed in the ABDC list ‘C’ category, in Scopus and in Ebsco).
Sonika, & Singh, Harjot (2016), "Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Brand Awareness", Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research ,20, 40-47. (Indexed in Ebsco, IC impact factor value is 3.341)
Kamra, Vishal; Singh, Harjot, & De, Kalyan Kumar (2015), "Satisfaction levels and Recommendation Intentions of Healthcare Consumers: An Exploratory Study based on Multispecialty Hospitals in North India", Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 26(5), 424-429. (Indexed in Indian Citation Index and IndMed)
Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:
Best research paper award in LM Thapar School of Management, TIET in the year 2020
Awarded a distinction in the 'New Directions in Teaching & Learning' program organized by Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland, in the year 2016
Silver Medal in B.Sc. I (Class XII), Panjab University, in the year 1986
Gold Medal in Pre-University (Class XI), Panjab University, in the year 1985
Holder of National Talent Search Scholarship
Fifth in India in the CBSE Class X Examination, in the year 1984
[short_description] =>
[is_director] => 0
[is_faculty] => 1
[faculty_type] => 1
[banner_image] => 6hrjot_78810.jpg
[social_links] => {"linkedin_link":"","researchgate_link":"","googlescholar_link":""}