Sreekumar B.Pillai

Professor, Area Coordinator- Human Resources

Organization,Strategy and International Management

Sreekumar B.Pillai

Professor, Area Coordinator- Human Resources , Organization,Strategy and International Management

stdClass Object
    [id] => 17
    [name] => Sreekumar
    [title] => Dr.
    [department] => Professor, Area Coordinator- Human Resources
    [department_new] => 
    [image] => 8_94788.jpg
    [is_active] => 1
    [display_order] => 17
    [is_deleted] => 0
    [created_on] => 2020-05-22 20:15:39
    [last_name] => B.Pillai
    [email] =>
    [phone_no] => 
    [specializations_id] => 3
    [description] => 
“Born into a traditional business family, I was programmed to believe that good business sense was just all about cost control, gut feelings and sincerity to the profession. I was unfortunate to witness the collapse of most of our family business during my younger years. Luckily for me, by then I was already surviving on my own as a management trainee at the biscuit division of Britannia Industries Ltd. From there I could watch danger from a safe place and absorb the wisdom that comes from observation , which to most people often comes very late. I understood by then that collapses of most seemingly strong companies were because of their inability to adapt to the changing paradigms of business. Having worked in major American companies such as Conagra and Texas Starnut and Food in their Dutch subsidiaries , I realised that a really sound business policy was in having a sustainable business model which could adapt to the changing business environment and could still continue to deliver superior customer value as compared with competition.” “From there-on , customer value and sustainability have been the two mantras that have shaped my academic career. I have always been passionate about teaching. Having talked to many luminaries who have excelled in academics, I discovered that each one of them had an exemplary teacher who had once ignited their mind with their favourite subject. I have found joy in teaching marketing and its associated subjects such as Retail Management and Marketing Research. My new found interest in sustainability has driven me to the subject of Business Analytics which I feel is the key to sustainability as” only what can be measured can be improved and made good for tomorrow”. “I very much want to play a part in the creation of the New India that our business school promises for our students and well wishers.”


  1. ) Paper presented:
    “Gandhiji and the Secret of his Leadership” presented at the 2 nd International Conference on Leadership at the Institute of Productivity and Management, Ghaziabad on the 24 th of May 2009.

    Publication of the Central and East European management development Association, ISBN 93-80043-24-4.

  2. ) Paper presented:
    “Study on identifying factors responsible for changing the preference for Retail formats of the Consumers in Kerala due to influence of Organised Retail operations: At the International conference on” Innovative strategies for Value Creation and Management” conducted at R.V. Institute of Management, Bangalore on the 10 th of December 2009.

  3. )Paper presented:
    ““Medical Tourism as a potential factor for converting tourism industry in Kerala into a 365-day tourist attraction”
    Presented at the International Seminar on “ #65 days Destination” held at the Cochin University of Science and Technology on the 19 th of March 2010.

  4. ) Paper presented:
    A study into the role of advertisements in creating fad related purchases and a review of the post purchase behavior of customers in Kerala in order to understand the core reason behind such purchases .
    Accepted for presentation in absentia at the 2nd African International Business and Management
    (AIBUMA) Conference 2011 on "Building Synergies for Better Performance" between August 24th and
    26th 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya.

    The paper was published in the African Journal of Business and Management (ISSN: 2079-410X).

  5. ) Paper presented:
    Case study “Sales comes to the rescue of Marketing” presented at the National Case study competition “Benchmark-2011” at P.S.G. Institute of Management on the 25 th of February 2011,

    was accepted for publication in their” Journal Of Contemporary Management- 2nd half 2011 edition.

  6. ) Paper presented:
    ““A study to understand the perception of the retail customers of Kerala towards the entry of Multinational companies into Multi-Brand retailing in India.”
    presented at the International conference on FDI in Retail conducted on 26 th March 2013 by the Department of Commerce University of Kerala and published in the Journal of the institution.

  7. ) Paper presented:
    The research paper
    "A Study on the Purchase Behaviour exhibited by the customers in Kerala for higher end Consumer Durables"
    was accepted for presentation at MBFSE 2014 held at the Jawaharlal Nehru University on the 6 th of July 2014

    The paper was published in the Journal of Management and Business studies" volume no 4, of 3rd" International November 2014, ISSN m 2277. -3177. impact factor 1.026 of the Global journals.

  8. ) Paper presented:
    Factors influencing purchase behaviour of Ostentatious goods in Kerala at the School og Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, on 6th March 2018.
    CUSAT has confirmed publication in their edited volume, as a compilation in March2018 (UGC).Awaiting publication

  9. ) )Paper under review:
    “Role of lateral route of perception in high involvement decision making” submitted for peer review to the International Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Making (Elsevier)-Under review.

) )Proposed paper:
“Dimensions of culture influencing the perception of audio visual, advertisements in India”, Co-authored with Dr.Gerard Maratelli, Lockhaven University, Pennsylvania , The U.S.A. .Paper under preparation will be published in tandem with findings from other universities from three countries.

- ITESO from Guadalajara Mexico

- Lock Haven University (LHU) of Pennsylvania, USA

- Universitat de Vic, Central de Catalunya , Spain

The fourth partner being SCMS Cochin School of Business, India.

Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:

  1. Invited as a member of the Judging panel for the Symposium on” Digital marketing held by the Marketing Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in November 2016.

  2. Invited as plenary speaker for the Marketing presentation on “The unfolding scenario of Retail in Kerala “ for the 50 th Anniversary of the School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology., November 2015.

  3. Invited by the Digital Marketing Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in June 2018 to deliver a talk on “Make in India” and to attend the Seminar on Entrepreneurship held in the campus on 21 st June 2018.

  4. Invited as plenary speaker for the on the Launch of the Flowborn Click-Brick app.

  5. Was a member of the Jury for the selection of the Best Retailer of the year award of the Dhanam retail Summit 2017., February 2017.

  6. Was a Delegate for the Rai Summit 2017 conducted by the Retail Association of India in February 2017.

  7. Conducted a workshop on retail analytics in collaboration with IIM Kozhikkode at the Dhanam Retail Summit 2018 on the 17th of March.

  8. Was a member of the Jury for the selection of the Best Retailer of the year award of the Dhanam retail Summit 2018., March 2018.

  9. Coordinated the capstone Business simulation program at SCMS Cochin School of Business for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18 and improved the performance average of the institute from 53 to 75 percentile. (the world average being 56 percentile).

[short_description] => [is_director] => 0 [is_faculty] => 1 [faculty_type] => 1 [banner_image] => 7_51494.jpg [social_links] => )



PhD in Consumer Behaviour, Marketing – 2024 from School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi

Master of Business Administration , School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Specialised in Marketing and International Business-1982

Diploma in Sales and Channel Management , IMPAC University, Punta Gorda, Florida -1994

Associate's Degree , Dutch Language, Social and Ethical Management, European taxation.,-1999, Volks Universeteit, Rotterdam:

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry 1980, University of Kerala

Accredited by All India Management Association as Teacher for Retail Management

Accredited by the Association of Chartered accountants of India as instructor for management courses leading to Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Association of India.

Visiting Research Fellow Visiting Research Fellow, School of Business Management University of Texas at Dallas.

Visiting research Fellow Visiting research Fellow at Cochin University of Science and Technology, India.

Certified evaluator of the accreditation agency “Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs” (ACBSP) of the U.S.A.

Accredited by Kerala Industrial and Technical Consultancy as facilitator for the Technical Entrepreneurship Development program (T.E.D.P) and the Women’s Entrepreneurship program (W.E.D.P) under the PMKVY scheme of the Prime minister.

Certified trainer for the FDP and MDP programs of the National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.

“Born into a traditional business family, I was programmed to believe that good business sense was just all about cost control, gut feelings and sincerity to the profession. I was unfortunate to witness the collapse of most of our family business during my younger years. Luckily for me, by then I was already surviving on my own as a management trainee at the biscuit division of Britannia Industries Ltd. From there I could watch danger from a safe place and absorb the wisdom that comes from observation , which to most people often comes very late. I understood by then that collapses of most seemingly strong companies were because of their inability to adapt to the changing paradigms of business. Having worked in major American companies such as Conagra and Texas Starnut and Food in their Dutch subsidiaries , I realised that a really sound business policy was in having a sustainable business model which could adapt to the changing business environment and could still continue to deliver superior customer value as compared with competition.” “From there-on , customer value and sustainability have been the two mantras that have shaped my academic career. I have always been passionate about teaching. Having talked to many luminaries who have excelled in academics, I discovered that each one of them had an exemplary teacher who had once ignited their mind with their favourite subject. I have found joy in teaching marketing and its associated subjects such as Retail Management and Marketing Research. My new found interest in sustainability has driven me to the subject of Business Analytics which I feel is the key to sustainability as” only what can be measured can be improved and made good for tomorrow”. “I very much want to play a part in the creation of the New India that our business school promises for our students and well wishers.”


  1. ) Paper presented:
    “Gandhiji and the Secret of his Leadership” presented at the 2 nd International Conference on Leadership at the Institute of Productivity and Management, Ghaziabad on the 24 th of May 2009.

    Publication of the Central and East European management development Association, ISBN 93-80043-24-4.

  2. ) Paper presented:
    “Study on identifying factors responsible for changing the preference for Retail formats of the Consumers in Kerala due to influence of Organised Retail operations: At the International conference on” Innovative strategies for Value Creation and Management” conducted at R.V. Institute of Management, Bangalore on the 10 th of December 2009.

  3. )Paper presented:
    ““Medical Tourism as a potential factor for converting tourism industry in Kerala into a 365-day tourist attraction”
    Presented at the International Seminar on “ #65 days Destination” held at the Cochin University of Science and Technology on the 19 th of March 2010.

  4. ) Paper presented:
    A study into the role of advertisements in creating fad related purchases and a review of the post purchase behavior of customers in Kerala in order to understand the core reason behind such purchases .
    Accepted for presentation in absentia at the 2nd African International Business and Management
    (AIBUMA) Conference 2011 on "Building Synergies for Better Performance" between August 24th and
    26th 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya.

    The paper was published in the African Journal of Business and Management (ISSN: 2079-410X).

  5. ) Paper presented:
    Case study “Sales comes to the rescue of Marketing” presented at the National Case study competition “Benchmark-2011” at P.S.G. Institute of Management on the 25 th of February 2011,

    was accepted for publication in their” Journal Of Contemporary Management- 2nd half 2011 edition.

  6. ) Paper presented:
    ““A study to understand the perception of the retail customers of Kerala towards the entry of Multinational companies into Multi-Brand retailing in India.”
    presented at the International conference on FDI in Retail conducted on 26 th March 2013 by the Department of Commerce University of Kerala and published in the Journal of the institution.

  7. ) Paper presented:
    The research paper
    "A Study on the Purchase Behaviour exhibited by the customers in Kerala for higher end Consumer Durables"
    was accepted for presentation at MBFSE 2014 held at the Jawaharlal Nehru University on the 6 th of July 2014

    The paper was published in the Journal of Management and Business studies" volume no 4, of 3rd" International November 2014, ISSN m 2277. -3177. impact factor 1.026 of the Global journals.

  8. ) Paper presented:
    Factors influencing purchase behaviour of Ostentatious goods in Kerala at the School og Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, on 6th March 2018.
    CUSAT has confirmed publication in their edited volume, as a compilation in March2018 (UGC).Awaiting publication

  9. ) )Paper under review:
    “Role of lateral route of perception in high involvement decision making” submitted for peer review to the International Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Making (Elsevier)-Under review.

) )Proposed paper:
“Dimensions of culture influencing the perception of audio visual, advertisements in India”, Co-authored with Dr.Gerard Maratelli, Lockhaven University, Pennsylvania , The U.S.A. .Paper under preparation will be published in tandem with findings from other universities from three countries.

- ITESO from Guadalajara Mexico

- Lock Haven University (LHU) of Pennsylvania, USA

- Universitat de Vic, Central de Catalunya , Spain

The fourth partner being SCMS Cochin School of Business, India.

Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:

  1. Invited as a member of the Judging panel for the Symposium on” Digital marketing held by the Marketing Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in November 2016.

  2. Invited as plenary speaker for the Marketing presentation on “The unfolding scenario of Retail in Kerala “ for the 50 th Anniversary of the School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology., November 2015.

  3. Invited by the Digital Marketing Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in June 2018 to deliver a talk on “Make in India” and to attend the Seminar on Entrepreneurship held in the campus on 21 st June 2018.

  4. Invited as plenary speaker for the on the Launch of the Flowborn Click-Brick app.

  5. Was a member of the Jury for the selection of the Best Retailer of the year award of the Dhanam retail Summit 2017., February 2017.

  6. Was a Delegate for the Rai Summit 2017 conducted by the Retail Association of India in February 2017.

  7. Conducted a workshop on retail analytics in collaboration with IIM Kozhikkode at the Dhanam Retail Summit 2018 on the 17th of March.

  8. Was a member of the Jury for the selection of the Best Retailer of the year award of the Dhanam retail Summit 2018., March 2018.

  9. Coordinated the capstone Business simulation program at SCMS Cochin School of Business for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18 and improved the performance average of the institute from 53 to 75 percentile. (the world average being 56 percentile).

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